Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alas the lovers did not meet

The legend is that on a clear night, or at least if it doesn't rain, Orihime and Hikoboshi will have one night together. They are two lovers separated by the Milky way but can meet on the seventh evening of the seventh night if the skies are clear. However, as I walked home from a lovely evening at the matsuri, a soft drizzle was falling.

I went to Kofu tonight for the Tanabata matsuri, or in English, the star festival! Tanoshikatta desu! It was pleasant! I took the train, which is always fun, I love trains, and waited for Rhee at the station to go in search of the matsuri. Eventually we found it, as it was impossible to miss the bunches of colourful decorations and bamboo wish trees. As soon as we entered we were given fans and at the first stall we were greeted with two cups of sake! Apparently, we looked like we needed more, because we were immediately topped off! Working a nice little buzz we wondered up the way stopping to eat every food that appealed (which was a lot) and admiring little trinkets (we bough adorable little Hello Kittys for our bags!) Along with the huge glass of sake I had half a fried curry bun (and then returned later for one of my own much to the sellers delight! Oishii desu ka? Oishii! Oishikatta! Oishisugiru! Delicious? Delicous! It was was delicious! It was too delicious!) these giant Tim Bit looking donuts (I asked for one of each and got too of each, it pays to be a celebrity!) mmm what else? Oh! Deep-fried ice cream! And corn on the cob (again I got a bonus one just for being a gaijin!)

I loved seeing all the yukata and the adorable little kids fishing for goldfish and doing arts and crafts and tying their little wishes to the bamboo branches.I considered getting Takeda a friend but that would be a long ride home for the poor fish so Takeda still swims alone, but quite happily I think! Anyways, it was really a beautiful night. A little pocket of magic. My condolences go out to Orihime and Hikoboshi though.

Another week has gone by so fast! Time really does fly when you are having fun... I'm already three quarters of the way through my year... Anyways, this weekend we are back to the coast to go to Hiratsuka which apparently had a Tanabata festival and one of the biggest in our regions! And then the beach on Sunday! Ja ne!

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