Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Miso soup for the eigo sensei's soul

Year one: Let me tell you, and by you I mean my dear family, my friends, future ALTs and an older Sarah who is reflecting on this wonderful year, about some one my students.

Suguru. He is the sixth year boy at my favourite school that is the son of the best librarian ever and the two of them always make me giggle. Whenever I ask him `how are you?` he always replies with `I`m sleepy.` So I began to tease him and tell him he was always always sleepy so he switched it up to `I`m tired,`  with a very cheeky grin. And he puts pumpkins on my heads and gives me bits of clay as presents which I show his mother and she asks what is it and we both shrug but I say it makes me happy so she makes it into a snowman and I just always have fun with the two of them!

Seiya. This overly adorable first year student at Higashi that always comes to the staffroom at lunch to drag me out to the playground whether warm or cold to push him and about a dozen other first years on the swings. One day it was cold and rain and our conversation went like this:
Seiya: buranko! (swings!)
Me: demo, chotto samui ne? (but, it`s a little cold right?)
Seiya: samui ja nai. (not cold.)
Me: honto ni? (really? *skeptically*)
Seiya: honto. (really.)
Me: demo, ame fukurimasu ne? (but, it`s raining)
Seiya: ame ja nai. (not rain.)
Me: Okay, let`s go.
Seiya: Let`s go! *grabs me by the hand and drags me outside so we can both see no one is out there and it is both cold and raining* naka ni... (inside...)
Me: *laughs* okay.
Then we went and made paper airplanes for the rest of break time and had a wonderful time!

Yukari. The girl who moved from the Philippians to Japan this year who is only half Japanese and struggles with the language but can speak English. She is shy and sweet and helps the other students enjoy English and sometimes I help her and her math teacher help her with math in English and that whole fifth year class is just a pleasure to teach!

Aki. The little second year girl who on the last day of class before Christmas gave me a little envelop containing hair clips and a paper airplane that said `Sara sensei, Daisuki!` which means she likes me a lot!

The ridiculous little kid at Nishi who thinks the words pennies is something else and didn`t understand at all when I gave him and his class pennies for a Christmas present. XD He belongs to my most creative class that when I introduce new vocabulary they always come up with random English terms to describe it and when unsatisfied by simply answering yes or no to question learned the term kinda. And now I`m just rambling because I think I adore this class a lot more than i think I do because I don`t know how it started but at some point we started racing to class, you see a student has to come down to the staff room to collect me and now no matter who it is from this class we always end up racing to the third floor! I have only won twice lol! And there is a kid named Yuno but when I was teaching `do you know` they got confused and now I can never say `do you know` or `Yuno` without the class breaking out into laughter! Maybe they don`t learn alot but we have so much fun!

Naho. The sweet girl in sixth year at Higashi that battles aside the other 39 students in her class to really try and learn English.

Kaito. The boy in fourth year at Higashi who is a special needs students bent out to destroy my hand through strong high fives but who never fails to ask me `how are you` or to tell me that he is 9, and it`s so amazing because that was me who taught him that and I feel so full of pride and adoration for the students who care enough to learn it makes me a little teary eyed.

And Hiroko sensei. The most amazing sixth year teacher who actually cares if her students learn English or not and who invited me for dinner even though we have a language barrier and who brought me a paper doll back from Kamakura and who makes me feel like I belong here. Her class is secretly my favourite! I adore all those students and just before summer break she said the students didn`t just suki (like) me, they daisuki (big like) me! I nearly cried with joy for I daisuki them too!

And Nakao sensei. Who has the biggest class in otsuki and unlike me never fails to say `shut up` when the kids deserve it and who gets just as much pleasure from teasing the kids as I do!

Sakura. A fifth year at Kowaze with the brightest eyes and thirst for English that is always smiling at me and reassuring me even when I feel like I haven`t taught my lesson well.

And the boy in the sixth year class who when we chant about playing baseball, pitches me the imaginary ball so I can hit it with my imaginary bat and watch the kids all watch me make a homerun and applaud. The same class that makes the stupid chants in the text book so much fun by adding all sorts of creative gestures.

The two girls in third year at Higashi who at the point of not quite grasping `how are you` I asked happy desu ka? (the same grammer structure as the japanese genki desu ka.) and then it clicked and we always share the exchange by replying happy desu in a fit of giggles.

Jonju. The fourth year student who always tells me what she had for breakfast in Enligsh and asks me what i had so I made a better attempt to eat better breakfast so i didn`t always have to reply: tea and bread.

Kokoro. A fifth year students a part of a really loud class that always makes me laugh with the ridiculous Japanese he does know like `ladies first` and his friend who always answers `how are you` with I am `super gorilla happy!`

These students make my life here and fill me with joy they are so sweet in so many ways and while I don`t know all their names they each leave something on me. Like the little ones at Nishi when we have our morning run who walk with me hand in hand marching to the music. ^_^

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