Thursday, January 17, 2013

What a perfect snow day looks like

The day after Nikki left I woke to a silence. Not only because I was alone for the first time in a while, but also because we'd had our first snowfall of the year. There was no traffic, no wind, no noise, just a perfect blanket to capture the world in a moment and it was still falling. I was like a kid on Christmas! I burst out of bed and gazed at the world through my window for a long time before throwing clothes over pajamas and going out to play in it. It was amazing! So deep and fluffy, just like a snow globe. The flakes were the size of quarters and fell like droplets of water cascading off a waterfall. it was perfect. And I'd alerted Kevin before going out and he met me down in the park so we made a snow man. He wasn't complete until we went out to the Daiso and bought him clothes. Then he too was as perfect as our day and we named him Yashiro. But he was a gaijin snowman so he might have had a hard time fitting in with all the other two balled snow men lol. In the end I curled up with hot chocolate and my kotatsu and enjoyed the next best part of a snow day. Being warm inside. It was the perfect last day of holiday.

Except it wasn't! For there was still so much snow the next day that school was cancelled and we celebrated with Indian curry for lunch. It was awesome!

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