Monday, May 9, 2011

Living it up Tokyo style!

After my amazing adventures it turned out that Tokyo actually gave me some down time! Instead of shrine hunting and climbing every staircase in sight (my feet and knees ache at just the thought!) I met up with Nikki (who gets free flights to Japan! Can you believe that! Crazy right!) and we had an amazing couple of days in Tokyo.

After getting lost trying to find each other in Shinjuku station (actually busiest station in the world) we finally found each other and headed to our hotel to drop off my stuff and head out for dinner. She'd already had the day in Tokyo. After being fooled by a cruelly named gogo curry... we found a coco curry!!! (the Japanese character for go is the same as go except with a little tiny symbol in the corner XD) Yet another recruit for coco curry (the best curry ever)! I wish I could send some chicken katsu curry home to all my loved ones! We called it a night after that as it had been a really long day for me between working and the train ride and the weird one day at school...

Anyways... I'll admit here, and I won't go into details because they are long and embarrassing... but I went shopping! And pretty much bought most of Tokyo! Okay, obviously not quite that bad but let's just say I had a fabulous time and came home with a new pair of shoes and a really pretty dress! Then we went to the electronics district and I considered buying a computer because this one sucks but ultimately the uncharacteristically pushy Japanese sales associate had me running away when he told me I didn't want a pink computer I wanted one that could do a whole bunch of stuff I didn't need. No, I'm pretty sure I do want the pink one... lol. Then it started to pour rain! so we headed to Shibuya for some fantastic pizza to wait it out. It never did go away.

The next day dawned surprisingly sunny and we walked about Shinjuku a bit and took pictures of some of the more famous skyscrapers that live there. Then it was back to Shibuya (because it's Nikki's and my favourite place in Japan) It's a lot like Times Square in New York and has the busiest cross walk in the world! We did a bit more shopping and checked out some awesome CD stores. I bought a CD called 'Songs for Japan,' which featured a bunch of western artists and was fund-raising for the tsunami damage. In the afternoon we went to Odaiba which is kind of like Granville Island but more Tokyoish! We saw the fabulous Fuji TV building and a Nyan Cafe which specialized in serving coffees while you play with cats! If it hadn't been so pricey and there weren't more things I wanted to do I would have gone in. Then we went to this really cool mall called Venus Fort that was set up like Venice. It was gorgeous and all the store fronts looked like romantic buildings and the lighting was dimmed like it was dusk and the ceiling changes with the weather. It was amazing! There was even a fountain in this section set up like a town square that looked as if it was pulled from the Venetian streets! So cool! Even the back hallways were decorated with paintings.

I love Tokyo!

However, after doing so much I was eager to get home and excited to show Nikki Otsuki so we headed to Yamanashi the next morning!



Until next time Tokyo! Next weekend I`m off to share some of my favourites thus far!

1 comment:

  1. Ceiling changing with the weather! That is SO Harry Potter, I love it!! It all looks amazing- be sure to check out the kitty cafe thing before you come home. It sounds too sweet. :-)
