Thursday, May 31, 2012

What happened in May

So after an amazing golden week of sakura, castles, flowers and kites, I took it easy for the remainder of the month. Worked on getting into my groove at school (which I have at last managed while keeping up with 23 classes a week) and beginning to redirect my thoughts towards writing. The results: well I grew me first ever flower, went shopping in Tokyo, visited the Edo history museum with Sheena and her new friend Kenichi, saw my first solar eclipse, starting feeding the local finches food and made friends with them, helped Kevin level the weeds in our garden, went to a festival in Saruhashi with taiko drums, went for a hike in a random forest in Hachioji and got caught up in this beautiful bamboo thicket, finally did start writing and was at last pleased with the progress of my adorable little garden (it has tomato plants, a strawberry plant and some flowers.) What follows is my evidence! XD


And that, I think, brings me into June. Soon the rainy season will start... but in a few weeks time Kevin, Sheena, Kenichi and I will travel a bit north to go see this amazing temple on a mountain and pick cherries so that is something to look forward to.

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