Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mt. Fuji, Tokyo and orange juice with rare cheese flavour

After Osaka it was back to Tokyo to wrap up training, sign contracts and say goodbye to new friends. I didn't get too much sightseeing in because we were in meetings until six at night and then had to leave at seven the next morning but I did enjoy myself.

Oh but what I'm not telling you about was the vending machine we passed that sold Tropicana orange juice with rare cheese flavour... It smelt really weird but didn't taste too bad. However I only drank about half of it and then gave up. My juices and cheese just don't mix. 

Okay but on from that. The trip back to Tokyo was beautiful. In case I haven't mentioned before, I looooovve the bullet train! The sky was clear and I sat by the window that faced the sun and watched the coast go by. What made this train trip different was that I finally got to see Fujisan! It has never been clear enough before for me to see it! The picture doesn't do it justice, but it really was breathtaking!

In Tokyo we stayed in the Asakusa district which was where I stayed last time, but this time I got to stay in the most beautiful hotel with a view of the city! There was also a new tower from last time I was there. The Tokyo Skytree shadowing the Asakusa distict and the Sensoji Temple.

Finally after hours of just staring outside while signing paperwork I got to go to the Temple! This would have been the second time which was a good thing because by the time I got there it was closed... but I did get to view the grounds which were gorgeous as always! The pagoda was really pretty against the dimming sky.

After wards my welsh friend Rhiannon and I went to Shibuya which is like the really cool place to be in Tokyo but it was dark and I was pretty tired so the pics aren't that good so... So there you have it. Training is at an end. School starts next week and now I'm moving into my place. Next time on 'Sarah Goes to Japan,' I'll take you to Otsuki to see where I'm living!

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